Saturday, 21 May 2011

Food - Where Does it come from? CBSE NCERT Class VI Science Lesson 1

Science Textbook :
Lesson 1 : Food - Where Does it come from?


1 Question. Do you find all living beings need the same kind of food?
Answer. No. All living being do not need the same kind of food.
1.Some animals eat only plant products. These are herbivores.
2. Some animals eat only other animals(Flesh). These are carnivores.
3.Some animals eat both plants and animals. These are omnivores.
2 Question.Name five plants and their parts that we eat.

1. Apple tree -fruit
2. Wheat plant- Seed
3. Patato plant- Stem
4. Beetroot- Root
5. Spinach plant- Leaves
3Question.  Match the items give in colum Awith in colum B.
Answer. Milk, Curd,Panner, ghee__ are all animals products.
        Spinach, cauliflower,carrot__ are vegetable.
        Lions, tigers__ eat other animals.
        Herbivores__ eat plants and plant products.

 4 Question. Fill up blanks with the words given:
Answer. Tiger is carnivore


  1. Answer 1 is wrong. Please check it.
    The answer will be :-
    No. All living being do not need the same kind of food.
    2.Some animals eat only plant products. These are herbivores.
    3. Some animals eat only other animals(Flesh). These are carnivores.
    4.Some animals eat both plants and animals.These are omnivores.

    1. What is food?
      Food is a combination of various ingredians that is taken to the body for nourishment and living

  2. Find out the names of plants that grow in water and which are eaten as a food
