Thursday, 30 June 2011

Chapter 12. Reproduction in Plants: CBSE NCERT Class VII (7th) Science

 Exercises : Solution | Questions & Answers

1.Question :  Fill in the blanks:
(a) Production of new individuals from the vegetative part of parent is called  reproduction.
(b) A flower may have either male or female reproductive parts. Such a flower is called unisexual flowers.
(c) The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same or of another flower of the same kind is known as pollination.
(d) The fusion of male and female gametes is termed as  fertilisation.
(e) Seed dispersal takes place by means of  windwater and animals

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

New Empires And Kingdoms : Lesson 11 -- CBSE Class VI (6th) History - Social Studies (Our Pasts-1).

 Exercises: Questions and Answers.

1.Question. State whether True or False.
(a) Harishena composed a prashasti in praise of Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni. (False)
(b) The rulers of Aryavarta brought tribute for samudragupta.(False)
(c) There were twelve rulers in Dakshinapatha. (True)
(d) Taxila and Maduari were important centres under the control of Gupta rulers. (False)
(e) Aihole was the capital of the Pallavas.  (False)
(f)  Local assemblies functioned for several centuries in south India. (True)

Traders, Kings And Pilgrims: Lesson 10 -- CBSE Class VI (6th) History -Social Studies (Our Pasts-1).

1.Question. Match the following :
(1) Muvendar                             ---------            Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas
(2) Lords of the dakshinapatha    ---------            Satavahana.
(3) Ashvaghosha                        ---------            Buddhacharita.      
(4) Boddhisattvas                       ---------            Mahayana Buddishm.
(5) Xuan Zang                            ---------            Chinese pilgrim

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Chapter 11.Transportation in Animals and Plants : CBSE Class VII Science

Exercises- Solution
1. Question : Match structures given in Column I with functions given in Column II.
Column I                       Column II
(i) Stomata                      (a) Absorption of water
(ii) Xylem                        (b) Transpiration
(iii) Root hairs                  (c) Transport of food
(iv) Phloem                      (d) Transport of water

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Vital Villages, Thriving Towns: Lesson 9 |CBSE (NCERT) | Class VI (6th) History - Social Studies (Our Pasts-1).

. Exercises: Questions and Answers.

1.Question. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Vellalar was a word used for large landowners in Tamil.
(b) The gramabhojaka often got his land cultivated by  the slaves and hired workers.
(c) Ploughmen were known as uzhavar in Tamil.
(d) Most grihapatis were smaller landowners.

Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave up War: Lesson 8 | CBSE (NCERT) Class VI (6th) | History -Social Studies (OurPasts-1).

 Exercises: Questions and Answers.

1.Question. Make a list of the occupations of the people who lived within the Mauryan empire.

Answer.  The occupations followed by the people were:
1. Farming.
2. Pastoral farming.
3. Food gathering in the forest.
4. Masonry.
5. Carpentery
6. Stone cutting and craftsmanship.

Chapter 10. Respiration in Organisms : Science CBSE NCERT Class VII ( 7th) Exercises Solution

1. Question : Why does an athlete breathe faster and deeper than usual after finishing the race?
Answer : The food has stored energy, which is released during respiration. Therefore, all living organisms respire to get energy from food by breathing the air.  During heavy exercise, fast running , cycling, walking for many hours or heavy weight lifting, the demand for energy is high. Therefor,  to meet the extra demand of energy, an athlete breathes faster and deeper than usual after finishing the race .

Friday, 24 June 2011

New Questions And Ideas: Lesson 7 | NCERT Class VI (6th) | History Social Studies (Our Pasts-1)

Exercises: Questions and Answers.
1.Question. Describe the ways in which the Buddha tired to spread his message to the people.
Buddha tired to spread his message to the people in the following ways:
1. Buddha taught in the language of the people, Prakrit, so that everyone could understand his message.
2. He spent his life in traveling on foot, going from place to place, teaching  people, till  he passed  away at kuarnara.
3. He also encouraged people to think for themselves, rather to simply accept what he said.

Kingdoms, Kings And An Early Republic: Lesson 6 NCERT Class VI (6th) History Social Studies (Our Pasts-1).

 Exercises : Questions & Answers.

1.Question. State whether True or False.
             (a) Rajas who let the Ashvamedha Horse pass through their lands were invited to the sacrifice.(True)
             (b) The charioteer sprinkled sacred water on the king.(False)
             (c) Archaeologists have found places in the settlements of the janapadas.(False)
             (d) Pots to store were made out of painted Grey Ware.(False)
             (e) Many cities in the mahajanapadas were fortified. (True)

CBSE NCERT | Class VII (7th) | Science | Chapter 9 : Soil | Exercises

Tick the most suitable answer in questions 1 and 2.
1. Question : In addition to the rock particles, the soil contains
(i) air and water
(ii) water and plants
(iii) minerals, organic matter, air and water
(iv) water, air and plants
Answer : (iii) minerals, organic matter, air and water

Winds, Storms and Cyclones: Lesson 8. | Science| Class VII (7th)| Exercises Solution

CBSE NCERT Class VII (7th) | Science| Chapter :8. Winds, Storms and Cyclones: 
1.Question  Fill the missing word in the blank spaces in the following statements:
(a) Wind is moving air.
(b) Winds are generated due to uneven heating on the earth.
(c) Near the earth’s surface warm air rises up whereas cooler  air comes down.
(d) Air moves from a region of  high  pressure to a region of   low  pressure.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

What Books and Burials Tell Us: Lesson 5 | Exercises-Solution | NCERT Class VI (6th) History Social Studies (Our Pasts-1).

 1.Question. Match the columns:
Answer. Sukta      -----     Well-said.
              Chariots  -----      Used in battles.
               Yajna     -----     Sacrifice.
               Dasa      -----       Slave.             
              Megalith  -----     Stone boulder.     

In The Earliest Cities: Lesson 4 | Exercises - Solution | NCERT Class VI (6th) | History Social Studies (Our Pasts-1).

 Exercises - Solutions :: Questions and Answers.
1.Question. How  do archaeologists know that cloth was used in the Harappan civilization?
Answer.  Archaeologists know that people in the in the Harappan civilization use cloth because they have found  pieces of cloth attached to the lid of a silver vase. They have also found spindle whorls, made of terracotta and faience. They were used to spin thread.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

From Gathering To Growing Food: Chapter 3 : NCERT Class VI (6th) History - Social Studies (Our Past-1)

Exercises : Questions and Answers.
1. Question. why do people who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time?
Answer.  People who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time because the fields had to be looked after. the plants had to be watered and plants had to be protected from birds and animals so that they could grow and the seeds would ripen.

Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate : Lesson 7. | Class VII (7th) Science

Exercises : Questions & Answers

1. Question :  Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.
Answer : The elements which determine the weather of a place.
  1. Temperature
  2. Humidity
  3. Rainfall
  4. Wind-speed

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

CBSE NCERT Class VI (6th) History (Our Past) Lesson 2 : On the Trail of the Earliest People History :: Exercise Solutions

Questions and Answers.
1.Question Complete the sentences.
Answer.(a)  Hunting-gathers chose to live in caves and rock shelters, because they gave shelter from rain, heat and wind.
(b) Grassland developed around 1200 years ago.
(c) Early people painted on the walls of the caves.
(d) In Hunsgi tools were made of tools were made of Limestone.

Physical and Chemical Changes: Lesson 6. CBSE NCERT Class VII (7th) Science Exercises Solution

Exercises : Questions & Answers
1.Question :  Classify the changes involved in the following processes as physical or chemical changes:
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Dissolving sugar in water
(c) Burning of coal
(d) Melting of wax
(e) Beating aluminium to make aluminium foil
(f ) Digestion of food

Monday, 20 June 2011

What, Where, How and When ? | Lesson 1 | CBSE NCERT Class VI (6th) History - Social Studies (Our Pasts- I)

1.Question. Match the following:
Narmada Valley ----------------------      Hunting and gathering.
Magadha ------------------------------      The first big  kingdom.
Garo hills-------------------------------      Early agriculture.
Indus and its tributaries---------------  Cities about 2500 years ago.
Ganga Valley ------------------------------- The first cities.

Acids, Bases and Salts: Lesson 5. CBSE NCERT Class VII (7th) Science

Exercises & Solutions :: Questions & Answer

1. Question : State differences between acids and bases.
Answer :

  1. Acids are sour in taste
  2. The chemical nature of such substances is acidic.
  3. Acid turns blue litmus red.
  4. Acids are generally found in Vinegar, Curd,Spinach, Amla, Citrus fruits, Tamarind, grapes, unripe mangoes, Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, et
  1. Bases are bitter in taste and soapy to touch.
  2. The nature of such substances is said to be basic.
  3. Bases turn red litmus blue
  4. Bases are generally found in lime water, soap, widow cleaner, Milk of Magnesia

Sunday, 19 June 2011

India : Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife : Lesson 8. NCERT Class VI (6th) Geography - Social Studies (The Earth : Our Habitat)

Exercises - Solution : Questions and Answers.
1.Question. Answer the following questions briefly.
(a) Which winds bring rainfall in India? Why is it so important?
Answer. Monsoon winds bring rainfall is in India. these winds are very important because the rainfall is necessary for crops and agricultural activities in India.

Our Country India : Lesson 7 NCERT Class VI (6th) Geography Exercises

 Exercise Solutions :: Questions and Answers.

1.Question. Answer the following questions briefly.
(a) Name the  major physical divisions of India.
Answer.  The  major physical divisions of India are:
(a) Great mountains of the North Himalayas.
(b) North India plains.
(c) Peninsula Plateau.
(d) Coastal Plains.
(e) Islands.
Arabian sea in the west, Bay of Bengal in the east and Indian Ocean in the south wash the shores of the Indian  Peninsula.

Heat : Lesson 4. NCERT Class VII (7th) Science

Exercises & Solutions :: Questions & Answers
1.Question :  State similarities and differences between the laboratory thermometer and the clinical thermometer.

Similarities : They are used to measure the temperature. Both type of thermometers uses calibrated glass tubes with a fine passage inside, along the length of tube for mercury expansion . They have glass tube with a closed end on one side. Both type have a bulb for containing Mercury at other end.   Both types measure temperature in degree Celsius

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Major Land Forms of The Earth: Lesson 6 Class VI (6th) Geography

 Exercises & Solutions :: Questions and Answers.

1.Question. Answer the following questions briefly
. (a) What are the major Landforms?
Answer. The surface of the earth is not same everywhere. It has an infinite variety of landforms. The major landforms are the mountain, hills, plateau, basins, plains, peninsula,island etc.

Major Domains of the Earth: Lesson 5 Class VI (6th) Geography

Exercises & Solutions :: Questions and Answers.

1.Question.  Answer the following questions briefly.

(a) What are the four major domains of the earth?
Answer. The four domains  of the earth are:
(1) Lithosphere. (2) Hydrosphere.  (3) Atmosphere.
(4) Biosphere.

(b) Name the major continents of the earth?
Answer.The major continents of the earth are:
Asia, Africa, Europe, Notrth America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

(c) Name the two   continents that lie entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.
Answer.  The two   continents that lie entirely in the Southern Hemisphere are:
1.  Australia.
2.  Antarctica.

(d) Name the different layers of the atmosphere.
Answer.  The differnt layers of the atmosphere are:
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere.

(e) Why is the earth called the blue planet'?
Answer. More trhan 71 percent of the earth is covered with water.
Therefore , from outer space it appears blue. That is why, it is called blue planet.

(f) Why is the Northern Hemisphere  called land Hemisphere.
Answer. The greater part of the land masses lie in the Northern Hemisphere.

(g) Why is the biosphere important for the living organisms?
Answer. The biosphere is the narrow zone of contact between land, water and air. It is in this zone that life that is unique to the planet exists. The growth and survival of the biosphere is made possible by the transfer of energy and matter between elements of the environment.

2.Question.Tick the correct answer.
(a)The mountain range that separates Europe from Asia is
    (i) the Andes.  (ii) the Himalays. (iii) the Ural.
Answer. (iii) the Ural.

(b) The continent of north America is linked to South America by
(i) Isthmus. (ii) Strait.   (iii) Suez canal.
Answer. i) Isthmus.

(c) The major constituent  of atmosphere by percent is
(i) Nitrogen.  (ii) Oxygen.  (iii) Carbon dioxide.
Answer. (i) Nitrogen.

(d) The domain of the earth  consisting of solid rocks is
(i) the Atmosphere.   (ii) the Hydrophere.     (iii) the Litosphere.
Answer. (iii) the Litosphere.

(e) Which is the largest continent?

(i) Africa. (ii) Asia. (iii) Australia.
Answer.  (ii) Asia.

3.Question. Fill in the blanks.
(a)The deepest point on the earth is Mariana Trench in the Pacfic ocean.
(b) The Indian Ocean is named after a country.
(c) The Biosphere is the narrow contact zone  of land,  water and air that support life.
(d) The continents of Europe and  Asia together are known as Eurasia.
(e)  The highest mountain peak on the earth is Mt. Everest.

Fibre to Fabric : Lesson 3 : Class VII (7th) Science Exercise

Questions & Answers

1.Question  You must be familiar with the following nursery rhymes:

(i) ‘Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool.’

(ii) ‘Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.’

Answer the following:

Friday, 17 June 2011

Maps : Lesson 4 : CBSE NCERT Class VI (6th) Geography (Social Science) TextBook :: The Earth : Our Habitat

 Exercise & Solutions :: Questions & Answers

1.Question. Answer the following question briefly.

(a) What are the three components of a map?
Answer.  The three components of a map are distance, direction, ans symbols.

(b) What are the four cardinal directions?
Answer. The four cardinal directions are North, South, East and West.

Motions of the Earth : Lesson 3 : CBSE NCERT Class VI (6th) Geography (Social Science) TextBook :: The Earth : Our Habitat

 Exercises Solutions : Questions And Answers

Question. Answer the following question briefly.
(a) What is the angle of inclination of the earth's axis with its orbital plane?
Answer. The angle of inclination of the earth's axis with its orbital plane is 66 and half degree which means the Earth remains tilted to one side while it revolves around the Sun at an angle of 66 -1/2 degree.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Globe : Latitudes and Longitudes : Lesson 2 NCERT Class VI (6th) Social Science Geography Exercises

 Questions and Answers

1. Question : Answer the following question briefly :-

(a) What is the true shape of the Earth ?
Answer : The Earth look like an orange, bulging on the side and slightly flat at the top and bottom. The true shape of the Earth is a geoid.

 (b) What is a globe ?
Answer : A globe is a three-dimensional representation of the Earth.

The Earth in the Solar System : Lesson 1 Class VI (6th) Geography -The Earth : Our Habitat

Exercises Solutions  with Questions and Answers

1.  Question.  (a)  How does a planet differ from a star?
Answer.     A planet differs from the star in the following ways : -
  1. Stars emit a large amount of heat and light 
  2. They are big heavenly bodies
  3. There are many stars which we cannot see with our naked eyes
  1. They do not have heat and light of their own.They only reflect the light of the sun.
  2. Planets are called   ' Wanderers' because they revolve around the sun in fixed orbit.
  3. Planets can be seen with the help of the telescope.

Nutrition in Animals : Lesson 2 - NCERT Class VII Science Exercises Solutions

Exercises -  Questions and Answers : 

1. Question : Fill in the blanks:
(a) The main steps of digestion in humans are ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion..
(b) The largest gland in the human body is liver.
(c) The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and digestive juices which act on food.
(d) The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called villi.
(e) Amoeba digests its food in the food vacuole .

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Diversity and Discrimination :Lesson 2 :: NCERT Class VI (6th) Social Sciences (Social and Political Life-1) :: Exercises Solutions


 1.Question. Match the following statements in a way that challenges stereotypes.
(a) Two surgeons were sitting down to lunch when one of them made a call on the mobile phone ---- to speak with her daughter who had just returned from school.
(b) The boy  who won the drawing competition went to the dais------- on a wheelchair to collect his prizes.
(c) One of the fastest athletes in the world------suffers from chronic asthma.
(d) She was not that well_off but had a dream to----- become an astronaut which she did.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Nutrition in Plants : Lesson 1 :: NCERT Class VII (7th) Science Exercises Solution


1.Question :  Why do organisms need to take food?

Answer : All living organisms require food to get essential nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals  which are necessary for theirs growth, maintenance of body and reproduction.
2.Question : Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph.
Answer : 
Parasite : Some organisms for theirs requirement of food  nutrients which are must for  their survival, growth and reproduction, depend on the food produced by other living organism called host. Such living organism which deprives the host of valuable nutrients, is called a parasite

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Understanding Diversity : Lesson 1 Class VI (6th) Social Science (Social and Political Life-1) Exercises Solutions


1. Question. Draw up a list of different festival celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebration are shared by members of different regional and religious communities?
  • Lhori ______         Hindu.
  • Holi ______          Hindus.
  • Id-Ul-Zuha ____      Muslim.
  • Easter _______       Christians.
  • Raksha Bandhan __    Hindus.
  • Dusshera ________    Hindus.
  • Diwali _______       Hindus
  •  Christmas _______    Christians. 
  • Id-ul-Milind ______  Muslims.

Lesson 10 : The Banyan Tree : Class VI (6th) English - Honeysuckle

1.Question.(i)  "It was to battle of champions"
(i) What qualities did the two champions have? Pick out words and phrases from paragraph above this line in the text and write them down:


Answer. Mongoose                          Cobra
  1. A superb fighter.                 1. Skillful and experienced fighter.
  2. clever.                                 2. move swiftly. 
  3. aggressive.                          3. had poison filled sacs.

Lesson 9 : Desert Animals |Class VI (6th) English Textbook - Honeysuckle


1.Question. Talk to your partner and say whether the following statements are True or False.
(1) No animals can survive without water. (True)
(2) Desert are endless and sand dunes. (False)
(3) Most snakes are harmless. (True)
(4) Snakes cannot hear, but they can feel vibrations through the ground. (True)
(5) Camels store water in their humps. (False)

Lesson 8 : A Game of Chance | Class VI (6th) English Textbook - Honeysuckle


1.Question. Why do you think Rasheed's uncle asked him  not to buy anything in his absence?
Answer. The uncle new how to the clever shopkeeper could cheat a littl innocent boy. So he warned Rasheed neither to buy  anything in his absence, nor go from that place.

2.Question. Why was the shop called 'Lucky Shop'?
Answer.  The shop was called Lucky shop because it gave a chance to try one's luck.One had to select six discs and total  the numbers written on it. He paid 50 paise and won the thing marked with that total number.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Garbage In, Garbage out : NCERT Class VI Science Textbook : Lesson 16


1. Question. (a) Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the red worms?
                     (b) Have you seen any other organism besides red worms, in you pit? if yes, try to  find out their names. Draw picture of these.

Answer. (a) plastic bags, tins, bottles, glass, aluminum foils, broken bangles.
              (b) Sometimes we do see small insects, bugs, beetles, spiders. Then there are microorganisms too.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Air Around us : Class VI Science Lesson 15

NCERT Class VI Science textbook: Lesson 15: Air Around us.


1.Question. What is the composition of air?
Answer. Air contains some gases in air are mainly nitrogen,oxygen, small amounts of carbon dioxide, and many other gases.Air contains mostly nitrogen and oxygen. These two gases together make up 99% of the air. The remaining 1% is constituted by carbon dioxide and a few other gases, water vapour and dust particles.

Water : Class VI Science Lesson 14:

NCERT Class VI Science textbook:
Lesson 14: Water.


1.Question. Fill up the blanks.
Answer. (a) The process of changing of water into its vapour is called evaporation.
        (b) The process of changing water vapour into water is called condensation.
        (c) No rainfall for a year or more may lead to drought in that region.
        (d) Excessive rains may cause flood.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Fun with Magnets.: CBSE NCERT Class VI Science Lesson 13:

NCERT Class VI Science Textbook:
Lesson 13: Fun with Magnets.


1.Question. Fill in the blanks in the following.
Answer.(a) Artificial magnets are made in different shapes such as (Bar magnet, horse, shoe and cylindrical).
       (b) The materials which are attracted towards a  magnet are called (magnetic).
       (c) Paper is not a (magnetic) material.
       (d) In olden days, sailors used to find direction suspending a piece of (magnet).
       (e) A magnet always has (two) poles.

Electricity and Circuits : NCERT Class VI Science Lesson 12

NCERT Class VI Science textbook:
Lesson 12: Electricity and Circuits.


1.Question.Fill in the blanks:
Answer. (a) A device that is used to break and electrics circuit is called *switch.*
        (b) An electric cell has *two* terminals.

Light, Shadows And Reflections : NCERT Class VI Science Lesson 11

NCERT Class VI Science textbook:
Lesson 11: Light, Shadows And Reflections.




2. Question. Classify the objects or materials given below a opaque, transparent or translucent and luminous or non_ luminous:
Air,water, A piece of rock, A sheet of aluminum, A mirror, A wooden board, A sheet of polythene, a CD, Smoke, A sheet of plane glass, fog,A piece of red hot iron, An Umbrella, A lighted fluorescent tube, A wall, A sheet of carbon paper, A flame of a gas burner, A sheet of cardboard, A lighted torch, A sheet of cellophane, A wire mesh, Kerosene stove, sun Firefly, Moon.