Sunday, 26 June 2011

Vital Villages, Thriving Towns: Lesson 9 |CBSE (NCERT) | Class VI (6th) History - Social Studies (Our Pasts-1).

. Exercises: Questions and Answers.

1.Question. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Vellalar was a word used for large landowners in Tamil.
(b) The gramabhojaka often got his land cultivated by  the slaves and hired workers.
(c) Ploughmen were known as uzhavar in Tamil.
(d) Most grihapatis were smaller landowners.

2.Question. Describe the functions of the gramabhojaka. Why do you think he was powerful?
Answer. In the northmen parts of country , the village headman was known as the gramabhojaka. The post was hereditary. He was the largest landowner. Besides, as lie was powerful, the king often  used him to collect taxes from the village . He also functioned as a judge and sometimes as a policeman. He was powerful because he was a hereditary village headman. He was the largest landowner.

3.Question. List the craft persons who would have been present in both villages ans cities.
The craft persons who would have been present in both villages ans cities were:
2. Carpenters.
3. weavers.

4.Question. Choose the correct answer.
(a)Ring wells were used for: 
(1) bathing (2) washing clothes . (3) irrigation. (4) drainage.

(b)Punch marked coin were made of:
(1) silver. (2) gold. (3) tin. (4) ivory.

(c) Mathura was an important:
(1) village. (2) port. (3) religious centre. (4) forested area.

(d) Shrenis were associations of: 
(1) rulers. (2) craft persons. (3) farmers. (4) herders.

(a)Ring wells were used for--- (4) drainage.
(b)Punch marked coin were made of--- (1) silver.
(c) Mathura was an important--- (3) religious center.
(d) Shrenis were associations of---- (2) craft persons.

5.Question. Which of the iron tools shown on page 87 would have been important for agriculture?What would the other tools have been used for?
. Ploughshares would have been important for agriculture. The other tools used were sickles and axes. The other tools like tongs, nails and hammers were used for carpentry and also by ironsmiths.

6. Question. Compare the drainage system in your locality with that  of the cities mentioned in the lesson. What similarities and difference do you notice?
. The  drainage system in the cities in the present times is the highly developed. There is underground drainage system with covered drains.The bathrooms, toilets and kitchens have underground system and are connected to the main drains outside.
The ancient cities  had ring well system. It is a rows of posts  or ceramic rings arranged one on top of other. They have been used as toilets in some cases and as drains and garbage dumps. These ring well have been found in individual houses.
Ancient cities. Present cities.

(1)Toilets in the houses.

(2) )Ring wells were used as garbage bins.
(1) Toilets in the houses, with cisterns and flushes.

(2)In present times, there are garbage pits, where garbage from the whole city is dumped.

7.Question. If you have seen craft persons at work , describe in a short paragraph what they do. (Hint: how do these get the raw materials, what kind of equipment do they use, how do they work what happens to the finished product)
(1) Craft persons buys raw material from different  parts of the city or the village.
(2) He works in a part of houses, with the help of the family members.
(3) He works with simple tools like looms, spindles, and needles.
(4) The finished product is sent either to the cities for selling or the merchants come to the houses  of the
 crafts person to buy goods.

8.Question. List the functions performed by men and women who live in your city or village. In what ways are those similar to those performed by people who lived in Mathura? In what ways are these different?

Similarities: The people in Mathura worked as goldsmiths, blacksmiths, weavers,basket makers, garland makers, perfumers. In Present times , people in cities are goldsmiths and others are present in the villages.

: In present times we can find people who work in offices, bank, school, colleges, etc, but they were not present in those days.
Vital Villages, Thriving Towns:  Lesson 9  |CBSE (NCERT) | Class VI (6th)  History - Social Studies (Our Pasts-1).

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