Saturday, 30 June 2012

CBSE Class 7th (VII) History- Our Pasts - II :Chapter 3. The Delhi Sultanate-Solved Exercises

Intext Question

Page No.32
Question1. Do you think the circle of justice is an appropriate term to describe the relationship between the king and his subjects?
Answer. Yes, I think, the circle of justice is an appropriate term to describe the relationship between the king and his subjects

Intext Question Page No.33
Question 1. Express Minhaj's ideas in your own words. Do you think the Raziyya shared these ideas? Why do you think it was so difficult for a woman to be a ruler?
1. According to Minhaj, God has created a social order in which women is subordinate to man. Therefore, a women like Raziyya doesnot have right to rule. It is totsaly against the ideal social order created by God.
2. I think Raziyya did not share these ideas.
3. It was very difficult for a women to be a ruler because of her belonging to a subordinate gender, according to the social set up at that time.

Intext Question Page No.35
Question 1. But how complete and effective was its control over such a vast territory?
Answer. The Sultanate did not have complete and much effective control over such a vast territory, except under the rule of Alluddin Khalji.

Intext Question Page No.37
Question 1. Compare figures 2,3 ,4 and 5. What similarities ans differences do you notice amongst the the mosques?
1. Every mosque has a big entrance door.
2. Every mosque's entrance door is  extended to both sides in the corridor.

1. The designs around the entrance door become complex and intricate from fig.2 to fig.5.
2. The small window over the entrance door can be seen only in three mosques in Fig. 3, 4, 5. But Fig. 3 Shows three such windows. Whereas Figs. 4 and 5 shows only single window over the entrance.
3. There is a boundary around the dome over the entrance door in Fig.5. This is not seen in any other figure.

Intext Question Page No.38
Question 1. Can you think of any reason why a slave would be better than a son?
Answer. A well-brought up slave always serves better than the son in the old days of master.

Question 2. Why do you think Barni criticized the sultan?
Answer: The Sultan Muhammed Tughluq appointed lower caste, or base-born people to the higher administrative post by ignoring the nobles. That is why, Barani citicised sultan.

Intext Question Page No.40
Question 1. Describe the ways in which the chieftains arranged for their defence?
1. The chieftains fortified themselves in mountains, in rocky, uneven and rugged places as well as is bamboo groves.
2. The bamboo grove forest served as ramparts, inside with people lived with their cattle and their crops.
3. Also rain water was collected to fulfill water needs. very hard to cut. This made it a suitable and most defensive place to live in.

Intext Question Page No.43
Question 1. You are peasant in Alluddin Khalji's or Muhammed Tughluq's region and you cannot pay the taxes demanded by the Sultan. What will you do?

1.If I were a peasant in Alluaddin Khilji's regin, I would try to save my life because I might have captured by Sultan's men and would be severely punished.
2. If I were a peasant in Muhammad Tughluq's region, I would join the rebel against the Sultan.


Let's Recall

Question 1. Which ruler first established his or her capital at Delhi?

Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomar Rajputs.

Question 2. What was the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans?
Answer:the language of administration under the Delhi Sultans Persian.

Question 3. In whose region did the Sultanate reach its farthest extent?
Answer:Under the regions of Aluaddin Khalji and Muhammad Tughluq the Sultanate reached its farthest extent.

Question 4. From which country did Ibn Battuta travel to India?
Answer. Ibn Battuta travel to India from the Morocco Africa..

Let's Understand

Question 5. According to the ''Circle of Justice'', why was it important for military commanders to keep the interests of the peasantry in mind?
Answer.Military commanders provided protection and secure the peasant who could pay taxes only if they were prosperous and happy.And taxes resulted in salaries of military commanders were interdependent on each other.

Question 6. What is meant by the ''internal'' and ''external'' frontiers of the Sultanate?
(i) The ''internal'' frontiers meant the hinterland and the garrison towns.often these places lied in close neighbourhood of the capital city of Delhi.The area of internal frontier extended up to the forests of Ganga.Yamuna doab.
(ii) The ''external'' fronteries mean the areas that lied far away from Delhi, i.e., South India.

Question 7. What were the steps taken to ensure that muftis performed their duties? Why do you think they may have wanted to defy the orders of the Sultans?
Answer.These steps were:
1. Their office was not made hereditary.
2. They were assigned iqtas (Land as salaries) for a short period of time before being transferred.
3. Accountants were appointed to check the amount of revenue collected by the muftis.
4. It was checked that mufti collected only those taxes which was by the state.
Mufti may have wanted to defy the orders of the Sultan because they controlled money and military resources and were capable to rebelling against Sultans.

Question 8. What was the impact of the Mongol invasions in the Delhi Sultanate?
1. It led to military and market reforms under Alludin Khalji.
2. A vast standing army was established under Alludin Khalji and Muhammad Tughluq to confront Mongol forces.
3. The areas laying is north-west frontier, from where Mongol invader saw building of garrison towns and numerous strategic forts.
4. The revenue was increased upto 50% of the produce.
5. Soldiers were paid cash salaries instead of iqtas or land grants as salary.
6. Muhammad Tughluq built Daulatabad, a new capital city and introduced the ''token'' currency in order to mobilize resources to fight Mongol army.
7. He also planned to invade Mongol capital in Transoxiana, but plan was aborted.

Let's Discuss

Question 9. Do you think the authors of tawarikh would provide information about the lives of ordinary men and women?
Answer: No, I don't think the authors of tawarikh would provide information about the lives of ordinary men and women because they were appointed by the Sultans to write about their political careers.

Question 10. Raziyya Sultan was unique in the history of the Delhi Sultanate.Do you think women leaders are accepted more readily today?
Answer: Yes, today, women, leaders are accepted more readily. For example, Indra Gandhi became a successful leader as Prime Minister of India.

Let's Do

Question 11. Why were the Delhi Sultans interested in cutting down forests? Does deforestation occur for the same reasons today?
Answer:The Sultans of Delhi wanted to extend cultivation so that they could collect more land revenue. Hence, they ordered the cutting of forests. Today forests are cut for the extension of agriculture and establishment of industrial units.

Question 12. Find out weather there are buildings built by the Delhi Sultans in your area. Are there any other buildings in you area that were built between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries? Describe some of these buildings, and draw sketches of them?

[Hints: Student can search for any local building belonging to that time period. For example, Outb Minar, Fort of Firuz Shah Kotla, Hauz Khas, etc. You can describe them through their Photographs.]


Additional Question

Question(i). Who lived in Delhi before Delhi Sultan occupied it.
Answer.Many rich Jain merchants lived in the city Delhi before Delhi Sultan occupied it.

Question(ii). Name the coin that was in circulation in Delhi?
Answer: Dehliwal was the name of the coin that was in circulation in Delhi.

Question(iii). Name the cities built by Delhi Sultans in Delhi?
Answer:Delhi-iKuhna, Siri and Jahanpanah were the names of various cities built by Delhi Sultans in Delhi.

Question(iv). What is the main source of information about Delhi Sultanate?
Answer:The main source of information about Delhi Sultanate is ''histories'' tarikh (singular) or tawarikh (plural), written in Persian.

Question (v). Who wrote tawarikh?
Answer:The authors of tawarikh were learned men Secretaries administrators, poets and courtiers.

Question (vi). Why did Iltumish favour bandagan?
Answer:Bandagan were special slaves purchased for military service. Hence, Iltutmish favour them.

Question (vii). What were the duties of iqtadar or the military commanders?
Answer:The duty of iqtadar or mufti or military commanders was to lead military commanders was to lead military campaigns and maintain law and order in their iqtas.

Question (viii). Who was the most famous Mongol ruler?
Answer:Genghis Khan was the most famous Mongol ruler. He invaded Transoxiana in 1219 and Delhi after sometime.

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