Intext Question Page No. 126
Question 1. Find out weather there are traditions of heros/heroines
in your town ore village. What are the qualities associated with them?
In what ways are these similar to or different from the heroic ideals
of the Rajputs?
Answer: Students, do it youselves.
[Hint: Any local hero/heroes would possess the qualities pf a loyalty,
friendship,love, valouur, anger,etc. Most of these qualities would be similar
to ideals of the Rajputs.]
Intext Question Page No. 127
Question 1. Find out more any one of these dance forms.
1. Bharatanayam is a classical dance form originating from Tamil Nadu.
2. Bharatanayam is a 20th centuary reconstruction of Cathir, the art of temple
dancers. Cathir, in turn, is derived from ancient danse form.
3. The wrd Bharata, some believe, signifies the author of the famous Sanskrit treatise
on stagecraft, called Natya Shastra.
4. Bharatanayam as a dance form and carnatic music set to it are deeply grounded in
5. Bharatanayam, is the embodiment of music in visual form, a ceremony and a act of devotion.
6. Dance and music are inseparable forms; only with Sangeetam (worda of syllables set
to raga or melody) can dance be conceptualiZed.
7. Bharatanayam has three distinct elements to it; Nritta (rythmic dance movements),
Natya (mime, or dance with a dramatic aspect) and Nritya (combination of Nritta and Natya).
Intext Question Page No. 130
Question 1. How, then, did the new language emerge?
Answer: The new Bengali language emerge by the evolution and mixing of
Sanskrit and local language.
Intext Question Page No. 132
Question 1. Why do you think the second category of text was not written down?
Answer. The second category of early Bengali leterature was orally transferred to the new generation.
Intext Question Page No. 133
Question 1. Compare the temple shown here with that in chapter 2?
Answer:The temple in chapter 2 is that Gangaikonda cholapuram. It is a well built
temple of stone and rock. The intricate design on the roof of the temple, which tapers,
is the most significant features of this temple. On the other hand, the temple shown here
is a double roof tached hut, which is as it could be.
Intext Question Page No. 136
Question 1.You are a Rajput Prince. How would you like your story to be told?
Answer.I like my story to be a sung on the music by story tellers at several places in the
Additional Question.
Q 1. Which language was introduced by the chera kings?
Answer. The Chera king introduced Malayalam language and script in
their inscriptions.
Q 2.Why decided to built the Jagannatha temple ar Puri.
Answer: Anantavarman, the most important ruler of the ganga dynasty of
Orissa decided to built the Jagannatha temple ar Puri.
Q 3. Which Gods were worshipped by Bhaktas.
Answer:The term Kathak is derived from Katha, a word used in Sanskrit and
other languages for story.
Q 4. Name two gharanas associated with Kathak.
Answer:The two gharanas or traditions associated with Kathak are- Rajasthan
(Jaipur)and Lucknow.
Q 5. Name the six "classical" dance forms of our country.
Answer: Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Kathakali, Odissi, Kuchipudi,
Manipuri are the six "classical" dance forms of our country.
Exercises Solved
Let's Recall
Question 1. Match the following: Anantavrman Kerala Jagannatha Bengal Mahodayapuram Orissa Lilatilakam Kangra Mangalakavya Puri Miniature Kerala
Answer: Anantavrman - Orissa Jagannatha - Puri Mahodayapuram - Kerala Lilatilakam - Kerala Mangalakavya - Bengal Miniature - Kangra
Question 2. What is Manipravalam? Name a book written in that language?
Answer: Manipravalam, literally means "diamonds and corals, refers to the two language Sanskrit and the regional language of Kerala. A book dealing with grammar and poetics-Lilatilakam was written in Manipravalam.
Question 3.Who were the major patrons of Kathak?
Answer:The Mughals emperors and their nobles, courtiers of Rajasthan and Nawab of Awadh-Wajid Ali Shah were the major patrons of Kathak.
Question 4 .What are the important architectural features of the temples of Bengal?
Answer: The main archietectural features of the temples of Bengal are as under:
1. The brick and terracotta temples of Bengal were built with the support of several "low" social groups.
2. Intially, local deities were worsshipped in thatched huts in villages.
3. But, a soon as Brahmanas gave recognition to these local deities, temples were built for them.
4. Temples copied the double-roofed or four-roofed structure of the thached huts.
5. This led to the evolution of typical Bengali style in temple architecture. For example, "Bengla Dome".
6. In the complex of four-roofed structure, for triangular roofs placed on the four walls move up to converge opn a curved line and a point.
7. Temples were usuallybuilt on a square platform.
8. The interior was relatively plain, but the outer walls of many temples were decorated with paintings, ornamental tiles or terracotta tablets.
Let's Understand
Question 5. Why did minstrels proclaim the archievements of heroes?
Answer:The minstrels proclaimed the achievements of heroes in order to:
1. Preserve their memories.
2. Inpire other to follow their example.
Question 6. Why do we Know much more about the cultural practices of ruler than about those of ordinary people?
Answer:Rulers adopted many methods to preserve their achievements, such as, minstrels singing their heroic stories, paintings inscriptions, historical worth, donation to temples, etc., while ordinary people did not do any thing to preserve the records of their heroic deeds. Therefore, we know more about the cultural practices of rulers than about those of ordinary people.
Question 7. Why did conquerors try to control the temple of Jagnnatha at Puri?
1. The temple of Jagnnatha at puri exerted authority in social and political
matters over the people of Oressa.
2. All those who conquered orissa, such as Mughals Marathas and Britishers, attempted
to gain control over the temple.
3. They felt that this would make their rule acceptable to the local people.
Question 8. Why were temples built in Bengal?
Answer.The temple builders of Bengal wanted to lemonstrate their power and proclaim their piety. Therefore, they built temples.
Question 9. Describe the most important features of the culture of your region, focusing on buildings performing arts and paintings?
Answer.Students, do it yourselves. Hint: Take Delhi for example:
1. Architecture of Delhi presents old as well as new buildings such as Red Fort, Outtb Minar and Parliament House, India Gate.
2. Delhi in the centre of all types of arts such as dances, plays, poetry sessions, etc. 3. All types of paintings are found and done in Delhi.]
Let's Do
Question 10. Do you use language for (a) speaking (b) reading (c) writing?
Find out about one major composition in language that you use and
discuss why you find it interresting.
Answer. Students, do it yourselves. [Hint: Take for example, Punjabe.
1. Isually at home, you speak Punjabi.
2. You reads book written in Gurumukhi, Hindi and English languages.
3. You write in Gurumukhi, Hindi and English languages.
4. Let one major book of Punjabi (Gurumukhi) language be Guru Granth Sahib.
5. It is the religious holy book of Sikhas and teaches us about religious tolerance, therfore, it is interesting.]
Question 11. Chose one state each from north, west, south,
east and central India. For each of these, prepare a list of foods
that are commonly consumed, highlighting any differences and
similarties that you notice.
Answer. Students, do it yourselvess. [Hint:
1. Suppose the five states are Kashmir (north), Gujart (west), bengal (east), Madhya Pradesh (central) and Tamil Nadu (South).
2. Rice is common food item. 3. There are different ways in which rice is cooked in the above-mentioned states,such as Kashmir Pulaw, rice and fish (Bengal), rice with Sambhar (south), simple rice with dal (central) and sweet rice kheer (west).]
Question 12.Choose another set of five state from each of these
regions and prepare a list of clothes that are generaly worm by women
and men in each Discuss your findings.
Answer. Students, do it your selves.
[Hint: 1. Suppose the state are Punjab (north), Nagaland (east), Rajasthan (west), Kerala (south and Chattisgarh (central). 2. Look for the dresses pf these states through the internet, Write down the names of dresses of women and men separately. 3. Write down the similarities and differences in these dresses.]
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