Monday, 14 December 2015

Social Science Sample Question Paper-1 | Summative Assessment II (SA-2) | CBSE Class X (10th)

Summative Assessment II (SA-2)
Sample Question Paper- 1
Time: 3hrs
Class: X
Max. Marks: 90

General Instructions 
  1. The question paper has 30 questions in all. All the questions are compulsory.
  2. Marks are indicated against each question.
  3. Questions from serial number 1 to 9 are multiple choice questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
  4. Questions from serial number 10 to 21 are 3 mark questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.
  5. Questions from serial number 22 to 29 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 120 words each.
  6. Question number 30 is a map question of 5 marks.

Q.1. Who said, ‘If France sneezes rest of the Europe catches cold’? (a) Metternich
(b) Cavour
(c) Mazzini
(d) Garibaldi


Who was Confucious?

(1 Mark)

(a) A Chinese revolutionary
(b) A Chinese Philosopher
(c) An Italian revolutionary
(d) A Vietnamese revolutionary

Q.2. When was Complete independence or Poorna swaraj declared as the aim of the Congress?
(1 Mark)
(a) 1909
(b) 1929
(c) 1936
(d) 1919

Q.3. Which one of the following States is the largest producer of bauxite in India?
(1 Mark)
(a) Jharkhand
(b) West Bengal
(c) Odisha
(d) Madhya Pradesh

Q.4. Name the industry classified on the basis of capital investment.
(1 Mark)
(a) Joint sector
(b) Large scale
(c) Private sector
(d) Public sector

Q.5. What was the result of Bolivia’s water war?
(1 Mark)
a) Water prices remained unchanged
(b) Imposition of martial law
(c) Cancellation of MNC’s contract and restoration of water supply to the municipality
(d) All the above.

Q.6. Which one of the following political parties grew out of a movement?
(1 Mark)
(a) Asom Gana Parishad
(b) CPI
(c) INC
(d) BSP

Q.7. How can democratic reforms be carried out?
(1 Mark)
(a) By political activists
(b) By Political parties and movements
(c) Through Constitutional means
(d) All the above.

Q.8. Which one of the following is not a term of credit?
(1 Mark)
(a) Interest rate
(b) Collateral
(c) Mode of repayment
(d) None of the above.

Q.9. Which one of the following logos would you observe while purchasing a pressure cooker?
(1 Mark)
(a) ISI mark
(b) Hallmark
(c) Agmark
(d) None of the above

Q.10. Explain liberalism in politics and economic field prevailing in Europe in the 19th century.


Why was a conflict started in Vietnam against French colonialism in all areas of life.
(3 Marks)

Q.11. How the first world war helped in the growth of the national movement in India?
(3 Marks)

Q.12. Why is solar energy called the energy of future? Give three reasons.
(3 Marks)

Q.13. ‘Minerals are indispensable part of our lives’ Support this statement with suitable examples.
(3 Marks)

Q.14. How do industries pollute the environment?
(3 Marks)

Q.15. Explain any three factors responsible for the localization of Jute textile mills mainly along the banks of the Hooghly river.
(3 Marks)

Q.16. How are popular struggles an integral part of the working of democracy? Explain by giving the examples of Bolivia’s struggle for water.
(3 Marks)

Q.17. What are public interest groups? Give examples.
(3 Marks)

Q.18. Explain the challenge of expansion of democracy.
(3 Marks)

Q.19. How does a democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate govt.
(3 Marks)

Q.20. How have Indian markets been transformed in recent years? Explain with examples.
(3 Marks)

Q.21. Explain any three ways in which the consumer is exploited.
(3 Marks)

Q.22. Explain the significance of portraying nations as female figures by the European artists of the 18th and 19th century.
(5 Marks)

OR Why did the French policy makers want to educate the people of Vietnam?
(5 Marks)

Q.23. Describe the main features of the Civil Disobedience movement in 1930s.
(5 Marks)

Q.24. How did Gandhiji bring the masses in to the national movement?
(5 Marks)

Q.25. What is meaning of road density? Describe any three major problems faced by road transport in India.
(5 Marks)

Q.26. Democracy is the better form of government than any other forms. Justify the statement.
(5 Marks)

Q.27. State the various functions political parties perform in a democracy.
(5 Marks)

Q.28. Explain the meaning of Self Help Group working for saving and credit in our country.
(5 Marks)

Q.29. How do multinational companies (MNCs) control production? Explain any three points.
(5 Marks)

Q.30. On the outline map of India locate the following:
(5 Marks)

(a) Chouri choura
(b) Lahore
(c) Kalpakkam
(d) Paradip port
(e) Bhilai steel plant.

(HTML Version adopted from PDF Version (Curtsey : KVS Ernakulam Region) Social Science SA-2 Sample Paper | CBSE Class X (10th)

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